Effective Monday, May 4th, 2015, the MyCarepack program will be available.
The MyCarepack program allows family and friends to go online at www.mycarepack.com and purchase a pack (Pre-assembled Kit) for the inmate.
There is a limit of one pack per 15 days for each inmate. packs will be delivered on the normal commissary delivery day for the inmate.
There are four different packs available for purchase
There is no limit on the amount of money an inmate may have in their account. Any amount in excess of $10,000.00 is subject to IRS reporting requirements.
Protein pack $33.00
Snack pack $21.00
Kosher pack $26.00
Cookie Lovers pack $32.00
For customer service after an order is placed, please call 866-643-9557, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm EST.

A partir del 4 de mayo de 2015, estará disponible el programa de MyCarepack.
El programa MyCarepack les permite a las familias y amistades a entrar en línea a www.mycarepack.com y comprar un pack (un paquete de productos preseleccionados) para el preso.
Hay un límite de un paquete por cada 15 días para cada preso. Los paquetes se entregarán en la fecha normal de entrega de la tienda de la comisaría que le corresponde al preso.
Tienen la opción de comprar quatro paquetes diferentes.
Carepack de proteínas $33.00
Carepack de bocaditos $21.00
Carepack Kosher $26.00
Carepack de galletas $32.00
Para servicio al cliente después de haber hecho un pedido, por favor llame al 866-643-9557 de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora del este.
Carepack para la Navidád desponible

Efektif lendi 4 me 2015, ap gen disponiblite pwogram MyCarePack la.
Pwogram MyCarePack la pèmèt fanmi ak zanmi sèvi anliy ak sit www.mycarepack.com la pou yo achte yon pack (asòtiman pare alavans) pou prizonye a.
Gen yon limit, pou chak prizonye, yon sèl pack pou yon peryòd 15 jou. Livrezon pack yo ap fèt nan jou livrezon nòmal kantin pou prizonye a.
Gen kat diferan pack ki disponib pou achte
Carepack pwoteyin $33.00
Carepack amiz bouch $21.00
Carepack kachè (kosher) $26.00
Carepack Amatè kouki $32.00
Pou sèvis kliyantèl apre plasman yon kòmann, rele tanpri nan nimewo 866-643-9557, lendi pou vandredi, 8 am a 8 pm EST.
Care PAK pou Fèt
What is the mailing address to mail something to an inmate?
The mailing address for inmates housed at the Main Detention Center is P.O. Box 24716, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416. The mailing address for inmates housed at the West Detention Center is P.O. Box 1450, Belle Glade, Florida 33430. All incoming mail must have the inmates booked name, jacket number, and cell assignment on the postcard.How do I e-mail an inmate?
Schedule a Video Visitation: https://jailvisit.pbso.org/appWhat am I allowed to send to an inmate?
All incoming mail, with the exception of privileged mail, must be in the form of a postcard only. Letters contained within envelopes will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender.
All postcards must meet the following requirements:- Postcard minimum size* - 3.5 inches by 5 inches.
- Postcard maximum size* - 4.25 inches by 6 inches.
- Postcards must be hand written or typed in black or blue ink.
Acceptable Monies may still be mailed to inmates in an envelope if properly addressed to the facility.
*Postcards sizes are determined by USPS regulations.
Toda postal tendrá que cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
- Tamaño mínimo de postal* - 3.5 pulgadas por 5 pulgadas.
- Tamaño máximo de postal* - 4.25 pulgadas por 6 pulgadas.
- Las postales tienen que ser de un solo color - sin fotos, arte o diseños gráficos.
- Las postales tienen que estar escritas a mano o a máquina en tinta negra o azul.
El dinero aceptable todavía se puede enviar a los presos en sobres si éstos tienen la dirección de la instalación debidamente puesta.
*Los reglamentos del Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos determinan el tamaño de las postales.
Men ki règleman pou syiv pou tout kat postal yo:
- Kat postal yo pa dwe pi piti pase* - 3.5 pous pa 5 pous.
- Kat postal yo pa dwe pi gran pase* - 4.25 pous pa 6 pous.
- Kat postal yo dwe yon sèl koulè - san foto, desen ak liy sou yo.
- Se pou moun ki voye kat postal la ekri alamen oubyen sou òdinatè e se pou yo ekri ak ank ble oubyen nwa.
Li toujou posib pou voye lajan bay prizonye yo nan yon anvlòp depi adrès la byen make sou anvlòp la.
*Se lapòs USPS ki deside sou gwosè kat postal yo.
Why would a letter be refused and returned to the sender?
Mail will be refused for the following reasons:- If the information is incorrect on the outside of the envelope
- If the mail contains an unauthorized item
- If the inmate is released or transferred and is not in our custody
- If the mail does not comply with the facility rules
Can inmates receive books, magazines, or newspapers?
All publications and periodicals must come directly from the publisher or a licensed commercial warehousing source. The mailing label must contain the inmate’s booked name, jacket number, and cell assignment.
Only new softcover paperback books will be accepted. There is a limit of four books, including religious books. Inmates may subscribe to no more than one daily or weekly newspaper and four periodicals.
How much money can an inmate have in their account?
There is no limit on the amount of money an inmate may have in their account. Any amount in excess of $10,000.00 is subject to IRS reporting requirements.
Can I bring money to the jail for deposit to an inmate’s account?
Family and friends of inmates are able to deposit funds into inmate commissary accounts utilizing the Access Corrections Kiosks. Kiosks are located in the release lobby at the Main Detention Center, the Video Visitation Center and the visitation lobby at the West Detention Center. The machines will accept Cash, Credit Cards, and Debit Cards.
Transactions using the kiosk will deposit the money into the inmate's account avoiding delays during holidays or weekends and making the money readily available for commissary purchases. Any monies deposited will be subject to the normal collections for debts owed to the jail by the inmate (INCLUDING BOND MONEY).
The automated payment kiosk accepts United States currency in 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 US denominations. Deposits may be made twenty- four hours, seven days a week using the Kiosk located at the Main Detention Center. Please refer to the video visitation schedule (https://jailvisit.pbso.org/app) for the hours of operations at the other two locations.
There is a $4.50 convenience fee for utilizing the Corrections Kiosk. The fee will be deducted from the amount deposited into the Inmate's account.
The Lobby Kiosk:- Accepts $5.00 bills or higher for a cash deposit to inmate commissary accounts.
- Family and friends must know inmate's JACKET NUMBER and FULL BOOKED NAME.
- Funds deposited will be credited to the inmate's account.
- A receipt will be issued from the Kiosk to the person depositing the funds.
- A receipt will be issued from the facilities to the inmate.
A third party will operate the Cobra Cashier Kiosks. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office will have no responsibility for the operation of this machine. If there is an issue with a deposit, a phone number will be available to contact the vendor. Our Agency has no means to resolve any issues related to the kiosk.
Can I electronically send money to the jail for deposit to an inmate’s account?
Electronic remote commissary deposits may be sent using SmartDeposit. Family and friends may make deposits through the Access Corrections, www.accesscorrections.com, by calling an Access Corrections agent at 866-394-0490, or using the kiosks located in the detention facility’s lobbies or visitation center.
Do you hold inmate’s property or money when they are no longer in custody?
When an inmate is released or transferred from our custody, their personal property and any balance in their account is transferred or released as well.
Do you charge a daily fee to each inmate account?
Currently, the fee is $3.00 per day. It is charged on a daily basis. Inmates are not denied any basic needs if fees are not paid.
Are there any other fees charged to inmates while in custody?
Yes. Inmates are charged an initial $25.00 processing fee for each incarceration. They are also charged for various self- initiated medical fees.
- Nurse Clinic $5.00
- Medical Clinic $10.00
- Dental Clinic $10.00
- Prescription $7.00
- Reading glasses $10.00
- Transport to own doctor or medical facility $100.00
What items may be purchased through the commissary and the cost of these items?
How often can inmates purchase commissary and the maximum they can spend?
Each designated housing assignments has a designated canteen day. They may order only on that day and spend a maximum of $90.00 for clothing items and $90.00 on all additional items. (total $180.00).
How can an inmate get paperwork notarized?
All sergeants, assigned to the shifts in the corrections division, are notaries. Inmates may request to have paperwork notarized through these sergeants.
Will you accept payroll checks or government checks?
Payroll checks are not accepted. Government checks will be accepted.
If the inmate has money in their property, can they bond themselves out?
Yes. The inmate needs to inform a deputy during the intake process that they have the funds in their property for bond. The inmate will be required to sign the bond receipt.
How do I bond someone out of jail?
Bond information can be obtained or verified by calling Inmate Records (561) 688-4340. Once the amount is determined, an individual may post a bond using the following options:
Post a CASH BOND (cash, money orders, or certified checks only, NO personal checks) in the total amount of the bond made payable to Palm Beach County Sheriff.
Have a bondsman post a SURETY BOND. Most often, a bondsman will charge a percentage of the bond as a fee for posting the bond and require the individual to sign a promissory note. A list of local bondsmen are listed in the phone book and posted in the Visitor's Lobby of the Main Detention Center and West Detention Center.
Post bond using credit or debit using a GovPayNet agent by calling 1-877-392-2455 or online at www.GovPayNow.com. Make sure you include the following information when completing the transaction: Inmate's Full Booked Name, Jacket# and Booking#
How can I get glasses/contacts and dentures to an inmate?
These items may be mailed in. The outside of the package must indicate the contents (i.e. glasses enclosed, contacts enclosed, etc.) and all packages will be thoroughly searched before being delivered to an inmate.
How do I obtain inmate’s personal property that is being stored in the property room at a detention facility?
Inmates must provide written authorization to release all personal items stored in the tamper proof bags. Transfer of property requests are processed Monday through Friday from 0830 hrs. to 1500 hrs. only after the inmate’s signature has been verified. The person picking up the property should follow the signs for “Inmate Release” and walk over the overpass to the release lobby and advise the deputy they are here to pick up property. Valid photo identification must be provided when picking up inmate’s property. Property must be retrieved while the inmate is still in our custody.